Covid testing for employees not vacinated

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    Can you let me know what everyone is doing in regards to Covid Testing for employees that are not vacinated and the plan for next school year.
    Thank you
    Denice Scarola – CAPO USD


    Waiting to hear from CDPH on matter 😉 On 5/4/22, Schools Testing Task Force went as far as to say that they did not expect it to be revoked before the end of this school year and promoted ordering tests for summer school/programs. Many asked for information about that again today. Fingers crossed that we will hear about that PH order for next school year soon to help with planning.


    Virus Geeks are on our campuses M-F and administer PCR tests. Unvaccinated students and employees must test each week.


    Still using Fulgent to test unvaccinated employees. They rotate their teams at to our schools, 2 schools per day of the week. IE: abc high and dcf high on Mondays, mln high and rst high on Tuesdays, make-ups on Fridays at District Office, etc.

    For this Summer we will have significantly less staff working, so summer-working unvaccinated staff will test at District Office on one day of the week.


    Is there a cost ?


    Is there a cost


    We asked the question of SSC and the response is below. We will continue with testing as required through the summer school and next year if there are no changes made by the Governor.

    “Thank you for submitting your question to SSC. The August 11, 2021 order was an order of the State Public Health Officer, it has the force and effect of law and all local educational agencies and private schools in California must comply with it until it is officially revoked or replaced by a new order. To our knowledge, and based upon our research, the order has neither been replaced or revoked. So until that happens you are still required to test unvaccinated employees. Remember that order does not apply to board members or staff who are not at a school site or in regular contact with students.”

    Suzanne Speck
    Executive Vice President
    School Services of California Inc.
    1121 L. Street, Suite 1060
    Sacramento, CA 95814

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