Reply To: California Department of Educations Science Safety Handbook – DID YOU KNOW?

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We’ve shared out the 2014 Handbook (on paper! originally in 2014 to EVERY Science Room, whew!) and we have a separate “School Laboratory Chemical Safety & Hygiene Plan” both of which are nowadays in a shared Science Safety google folder.

To get the latest information ‘out there’, we hold quarterly “Science Safety Committee” Meetings. Committee is composted Chemistry/Science Dept Chair Teacher from each site and me, plus any invited speakers/consultants (the speakers are fewer anymore). The Dept Chair takes back the info to their site and simply shares-out everything discussed. It is all via Google Meets nowadays so no one has to drive or leave their classroom.

It’s not just disseminating info, but the opportunity to have a safe space for DIALOGUE. I reiterate at each meeting, we’re there to PREVENT: injuries (staff, and students), regulatory violations, accidents, mishaps, AND **have a safe place to speak freely**. Sometimes I have to repeat that last line, but overall, it has been super beneficial. Remote meeting really does make it easier all around. 🙂